Namibia Wildlife Resorts Expresses Disappointment in Low Local Travel Uptake, Encourages Namibians to Explore Their Own Backyard


Windhoek, Namibia – December 5, 2023 – Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) has expressed disappointment in the relatively low number of Namibians taking up travel opportunities within the country. Despite concerted efforts to promote domestic tourism, the majority of visitors to NWR facilities remain Europeans, with a significant number hailing from Germany.



From November 2022 to November 2023, a total of 511,984 European occupants visited Namibia Wildlife Resorts facilities, with an overwhelming majority, 35 013 or about 7% of our total clients, originating from Germany. South Africa’s market has shown resilience, contributing 90,296 guests to our resorts. We are also seeing an interest from the Botswana market, with 394 guests having visited our facilities.



Out of total of 511 984 clients, 22 622 are Namibian luxury travellers. This equates to 4% of our local guests.



Mr. Nelson Ashipala, NWR spokesperson, voiced the organisation’s concern and optimism for increased local engagement. “We are disappointed that more Namibians have not embraced the opportunity to explore the beauty of their own country through travel. While we welcome and appreciate our European visitors, we believe that local tourism is an essential component of our industry’s success.”


Mr. Ashipala highlighted the proactive measures NWR is taking to encourage domestic tourism. “We understand that travel is a significant investment, and to make it more accessible for Namibians, we currently have special promotions running. These exclusive offers are tailored to entice our fellow citizens to experience the unparalleled beauty and hospitality our resorts have to offer. The SADC special is one of these.”

Namibia Wildlife Resorts invites Namibians to take advantage of these special offers and rediscover the wonders within their own borders. The organization remains committed to fostering a vibrant local tourism sector that benefits both communities and the nation’s economy.

N$ 18.38 N$ 23.41 N$ 19.95