Ashley Auxab

Meet Ashley Auxab

1. Can you please tell us a bit about yourself?

I am Ashley Auxab an IT technician. I am a purpose-driven and goal-oriented person. Having grown up in roots of Katutura have taught me that after all, we are all human beings. I do my best to treat everybody I engage with respect regardless of the role which they come from. I live a lowkey life which is attributed by overwhelming sensation and love.



2. What is your job all about?

I am responsible for providing IT support to the users within our organisation. My primary duty is to make sure that our ERP system and the internet is operational at all of our branches. Users need to understand that the ICT assets need to be catered as if it is their own because it will positively emulate their lifestyle simultaneously.



3. What have been your biggest challenges and accomplishments in your career so far?

I don’t know challenges because I am gifted to apply the ability to break down problems to their various parts and decide on the course of action, then see it through to the end, decisively. One of my greatest achievements was the successful project which I manage to install operational speed points connection at our resorts since some camps are situated in remote areas thus bringing poor connectivity to the payment terminals.



4. What does your typical day in office look like?

Our office is known as loving, caring and ever happy place to be in, so I will prefer to be at work anytime. Being under the leadership of an excellent supervisor and impeccable manager is quite refreshing. I have built an excellent interpersonal relationship with our suppliers and service providers.



5. What separates you from every other colleague in your department?

We all are created uniquely, and I was privileged enough to unleash my potential through service delivery. I am nurturing my talent daily and facilitating innovation. My secret is I am authentic, passionate about what I do and have a clear vision in the objectives of our department and organisation at large.



6. What are your loves, the things that inspire you?

I love travelling and exhibiting life.

A mind that is stretch by a new experience cannot go back to its original size.

Never a dull moment without my boys going out for a drink and leisure time.



7. What advice would you give to aspiring young people out there?

“Being open to correction means making yourself vulnerable, and many people are not willing to do that”. – Dr Myles Munroe



8. What are your plans?

I am looking forward to inaugurating the best version of myself so that my legacy can proceed without hindrance. This will require me to make perseverance the cultural key throughout my existence in the corporate world.

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